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CAMB vs <@> 4v4

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CAMB vs <@> 4v4

Postby corn99 » Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:54 am

So yea we are thinking to play u guys. i only have about 4 members avalible so yea. You think we are up the standard? Think about it and get back to us as soon as possible please.

Also i would personally challenge anyone that is avalible for a 1v1 against myself. My time zone is:
Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) is Normaly UTC +10 Hours

so yea two challenges..

And as always COME AT ME BRO (thats our clan name as well)

Edit: NVM about the CAMB vs @ one its just me vs anyone from @ (most members wanted to vs AGAN intead so yea)
[C.A.M.B] Leader
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Joined: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:18 am
Location: Come here and i kill u

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