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DayZ (Arma II Mod)

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DayZ (Arma II Mod)

Postby CraftDinur » Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:35 pm

I'm surprised no one has mentioned this mod here after the huge advertising it's been getting from all the YouTubers playing it such as TotalBiscuit, SeaNanners, CaptainSparklez, and paulsoaresjr.

So as the title says, this is a mod for the game Arma II viewtopic.php?f=162&t=7743 which is a (war simulation) rather than a game. You can buy it on Steam for ~$20 US I believe right now. DayZ is a zombie apocalypse game that adds a whole new element of realism that most fps games don't have. It puts you in a 225km land that has been infected by zombies and you the survivor must survive and scavenge for weapons and supplies. The developers can't stress enough however that this game is only in the Alpha stage and is not the finished product which is why it is a little buggy.

Gameplay is very original and unlike any other FPS game I've personally played. The game is not like Left for Dead where you can go out with a chainsaw and mow down hoards of slow moving zombies. Instead, these are like the 28 days later zombies who run at Olympic speeds and have supersonic hearing but more toned down sight. Using your gun is extremely risky and could alert other zombies to your position which could lead to your demise. Not only are zombies a threat, you also have to keep an eye on your hunger and thirst which could cause you to die of dehydration or hunger. After being shot or attacked, your body will start to bleed which causes you to lose blood in which you will have to bandage yourself up or get a blood transfusion from other players to save yourself. Other players can serve to be helpful or even more dangerous than the zombies as they can aid you in your survival or kill you to loot your items. There are also vehicles which you can repair and drive but opportunities to use them are rare. The game also has day-night depending on where the server is located (server in Denver will be nightime if it is night in Denver) and your state is recorded over all servers in the game. Most brutal of all is the perma-death which will cause you to lose all items upon death and start over from nothing again.

The game is based off of the game Arma II which is not free and requires the Operation Arrowhead expansion pack to run. You can however download Arma II Free (not the Demo) but you will have to buy Operation Arrowhead to play it. The final option is to get Arma Combined Operations alone which will run the game fine as it has the required items from the two games. A pirated version of the game is not recommended as you will only be able to join cracked servers and piracy is illegal.

The average survival time is 46 minutes. Hopefully you can survive for longer ^_^

How to install game:
IGN: CraftDinur, Mr. Yoshimori, 49th Parallel
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Re: DayZ (Arma II Mod)

Postby MrMeow » Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:21 am

What are the system requirements?

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Re: DayZ (Arma II Mod)

Postby Benton » Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:56 pm

If you can run ARMA 2 you can run this.
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