I (as of a few hours ago) completed my last exam so I'm now back in business so to speak.
So onto the news!
Forum shuffle
We now have a new setup :)
First thing you'll notice is that the index page looks a lot smaller and neater. Everything is fitted into a smaller space, and inside each section it is organised much better.
For several of the forums (e.g. Mapping and Modding) the root/main section becomes more important and serves as a discussion area. For Modding, this area can be used for mod discussion and requests, while for Mapping it could be used to share WIP's. Most of the subsections still exist, but inside these places.
You'll also notice that each of those forums no longer has a section for 'help' in them. This is because all help sections have been moved as subsections into the main 'Help' section. This means that someone coming in looking for help, can just go there and pick the category they need. Links to these sub-sections appear in the respective forums however.
Other changes:
- The pyspades section has been merged with the main servers section (for obvious reasons) and so have the two suggestion categories (game and forums) into one section.
- All of the official things - news, rules - are part of the 'Official' category.
- Clans is now one section - The root of the section is practically the 'small clans' that we used to have, while Apply/Amend and Sections become sub-forums of this.
We hope all the changes improve the experience you have here. If you have an issue with the new setup, post it in 'Help' -> 'Forum'.
Staff changes
While we were pondering over staff for a while, we received a submission from the Community Feedback Forum that we needed more active admins and staff in general.
Well, to answer that - I am back. I hope to be as active as I used to be before I had my exams. I will be here to answer questions and handle all sorts of things all over the forums. Following on from this, I'd like to officially announce some promotions and welcome some new staff members!
- USABxBOOYO - was a moderator over the off-topic section, but is now a global moderator!
- Talent - a new member of the forum team, given global moderator to fill in the gaps where help is needed most.
- PXYC - another new member. He begins a new class of moderator known as 'Local Mod'. He shall be looking over the Help section and keeping that tidy.
- Paratrooper - and another one! Paratrooper will head up the Suggestions forum.
Please do make our new moderators feel welcome and not too stressed :D
Being back on the forums, I'm back on #AoS (yay).
The staff have decided to purge the #AoS banlist completely. All channel and Q bans have been removed as of today (as many of you know already).
This is because most of the bans were quite ancient, and those that weren't ancient we've given a second chance anyway.
And that's all folks!
Hope you like the changes, if not - drop us a message in the correct help section or comment on this post!
Thank you for your patience while the shuffle took place as well!