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The Enclave Radio

Postby PresidentEden » Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:31 am

Welcome To The Enclave Radio.Image

Let's talk about government, shall we? Or more specifically, your government, dear America. The Enclave. Just who is the Enclave? Why, now that's simple, the Enclave is you, America. The Enclave is your sister, your aunt, your friend, your, your neighbor. And well yes, the Enclave is me as well, heh heh, uh hah. As your president, it is my responsibility to preside over our great democracy. So, as your president, I am the voice, I am the heart, and soul of the Enclave. That is to say, I am the voice, heart, and soul of America. But only together, together, can we hope to reach our full potential. The way we were before the war. Whole. Beautiful. Powerful. One Enclave, One America. Now and Forever. And now, dearest America, we must say farewell. For there is much work to be done, and the Enclave never rests. Never.
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Re: The Enclave Radio

Postby PresidentEden » Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:51 am

More to come tomorrow...
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Re: The Enclave Radio

Postby fLaMeShOt » Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:50 am

Ware do i aply for modrorator ? - rambo Not to be mean but I despise this clan. (talking about the Komrades) -RonPaul [22:08] <eX> FLaMeShOt is shitting on my brains I've all but given up on the AoS I loved. - ReubenMcHawk
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Re: The Enclave Radio

Postby PresidentEden » Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:40 am

ah, I see...a Brazilian trying to.. comprehend the situation. This is a message to the citizens of the America. God bless the Enclave and the America.
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Re: The Enclave Radio

Postby Bandage » Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:05 am

Watching a thread on a computer, which is made by a computer. COMPUTERCEPTION.

I loved Fallout 3. I feel pleased to read these familiar words again around this corner.
PS: kmaj is a grammarnazi
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Re: The Enclave Radio

Postby PresidentEden » Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:43 am


I’ve been thinking quite a bit lately about something we can all relate to. Something that is, unquestionably, inescapably, American. I am referring of course, to our great national pastime, baseball. Or so it had been. That’s right America, before we were devastated by atomic war, each state had its own professional baseball team. Imagine, a perfect, cloudless day, the sun is warm, welcoming. And on the horizon they appear. Like knights of yore, armed with bats of ash and hickory. Their name, the Capital Congressmen, their purpose, to make you, dear America, revel in the joys of sport and sunshine. If only for an afternoon. Now, ask yourself this. What if the Capital Congressmen could live again? What if they could compete with baseball teams from Pennsylvania or Maryland? Put your faith in John Henry Eden, great America, and baseball will live again. Comfort, recreation, healthy competition. All will live again. This country will live again.
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Re: The Enclave Radio

Postby PresidentEden » Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:30 pm


We live in an age of poverty, greed, violence, destruction. Indeed the very seat of the federal government, Washington D.C., has been reduced to what is now known as the Capital Wasteland. The Capital Wasteland, how did it come to this America? How did your leaders allow the most powerful nation on die? The answer is really quite simple. Incompetence. Incompetence at the highest echelons of power. We put our trust, our faith, in halfwits. Our intrepid leaders had everything they wanted; power, wealth, prestige. It made them lazy, America. Oh yes, and laziness breeds stupidity. Rest assured, I will not make the mistakes of my predecessors. When John Henry Eden builds a country, he builds it to last. The American Way. Don’t you, my darling America, deserve that? Don’t you deserve a future free of war, and fear, and terrible uncertainty? Of course you do. As President of the United States, you have my solemn pledge. That I will never rest, never rest, until we have what we deserve. A place to truly call… Home.
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Re: The Enclave Radio

Postby PresidentEden » Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:35 pm

^ that post is a hint...
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Re: The Enclave Radio

Postby Kodiak » Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:46 am

Threeeeeeeee dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwg here, ladies and gentlemen.

The Enclave, and that includes their homecoming king, "President" John Henry Eden and his gorilla, Colonel Augustus Autumn, are NOT here to help you."
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Re: The Enclave Radio

Postby PresidentEden » Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:54 am

The Enclave is back

The Enclave is back, America. And, no, not just on your radio. Right now Enclave troops are patrolling the Capital Wasteland. These fine men and women, under the command of the stalwart Colonel, Augustus Autumn, have one mission: The restoration of American peace and order. But let’s hear from the man himself, shall we America? I give you Colonel Kodiak.

Colonel Kodiak: Thank you Mr. President. People of the Capital Wasteland, I am Colonel Autumn. By now, you have encountered Enclave troops in your towns, in your settlements. When you see the Enclave, you see the United States Government. We are authorized to restore order and civility, by any means necessary. Just stay out of the way and let us do our job. Interfere with the Enclave’s mission, and you will be dealt with, harshly.

Very good Colonel, heh, very good. So, there you have it, my darling America. Enclave troops are now in your neighborhoods, in your lives, in your hearts. Together, we’ll restore the glory of this great nation. One problem at a time. So remember America, the Enclave is working around the clock, to return this country to greatness. All you need is a little patience, a little faith.

Yes..Ye..s..Excellent.. The Enclave is recruiting: recruiting here
Last edited by PresidentEden on Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:43 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Enclave Radio

Postby PresidentEden » Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:42 pm

My Presidency

It’s time we discussed something rather important. The issue at hand is, well, my presidency. The question has been raised, I know, as to just how I came to be elected to this most illustrious office. Or whether or not I had been elected at all. To that I must answer; of course. Of course I was elected, sweet America, of course. Isn’t the right to vote the very foundation of a democracy? Unfortunately, in the interest of national security, I am not at liberty to discuss the details of the election, you understand. But rest assured, I am your president because the appropriate people of this great nation decided I should be. I am your duly elected representative. Of course, when the time comes, when my term is up, America will be free to elect a new president. And that person will have our full faith and confidence, and carry our collective values forward into the future. Democracy, dear America. Democracy now, and forever.
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Re: The Enclave Radio

Postby PresidentEden » Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:43 am

Children of the Wasteland

When I was a child, growing up in rural Kentucky, I had the best friend a boy could hope for. My dear old dog, Honey. Oh ho ho, the adventures we had. From Knob Creek to Hodgenville we roamed, carefree and courageous. Irresponsible, and completely inseparable. It was, for a little boy, the perfect existence. So, let me ask you America. How many of your children can say the same? How many of this nation’s youth are truly happy, truly carefree? Well, we both know the answer, don’t we? None. America’s children live in a terrifying, meaningless existence. There is no hope, no happiness. That changes, right here, right now! From this moment onward, the children of this great nation are its highest priority. The Enclave will restore every American school, reinstate every youth program, and offer counseling and financial assistance to any family in need. We will match up the destitute orphan children of the Capital Wasteland with qualified, eligible adults. We will rebuild the American family. As it was, as it was meant to be. The values of our past shall be the foundation of our future.
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