installing mods is pretty simple actually,
Step 1: Open your "Start" tab in the lower left corner of your screen
Step 2: Click on the "Search" button in the "Start" tab on your screen
Step 3: it will ask you which file type do you want to search for? Click "All files and folders"
Step 4: Type "Ace of Spades" in the search bar and hit enter
Step 5: watch results come up until "Ace Of Spades" in a C:/AceOfSpades folder comes up
Step 6: Click on C:/AceofSpades
Step 7: Locate a folder named "kv6" in your C:/AceofSpades folder
Step 8: Open the mod folder you just installed in a separate window
Step 9: Click-and-drag the Mod file(.kv6) into the kv6/C:/AceofSpades folder
Step 10: Click "yes" on the "Would you like to replace the file?" window that pops up
Step 11: Ensure the mod file was replaced correctly by testing it out in a game of Ace of Spades!
Step 12: If mod didnt replace, repeat steps 1-10.