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Lance's Army

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Lance's Army

Postby CptOrian » Sat Sep 01, 2012 3:13 am

Mission Statement: "Lance's Army is devoted to defending our teammates, protecting our honor, and winning the war, with integrity."

Lance's Army is a clan that is more on the RP side of the game. We tend to plan out strategies in game in order to win. Anyone who joins the clan and doesn't RP while other clan members are online will be kicked out.

Rules: Activity in AoS doesn't matter. We realize that people often prefer to play other FPS. Anyone who is willing to RP is welcome, and skill doesn't matter much.

In game rules: If there is a higher ranking LA member on the server, then follow their orders. If an enemy wishes to surrender, take them prisoner. Do not spam, aimbot, spawn camp, build hack, or grenade hack. If you are the highest ranking LA member on a server at any given time, you may order lower ranking LA members. This division of LA is commanded by Cpt. Orian, and therefore it is not possible to rise any higher than captain rank, UNLESS the division leader 1: is kicked out of LA. 2: promoted to a higher rank in LA. 3: resigns (in which case the next highest ranking member is put in temporary charge of division). 4: receives information from Lance, dictating who is to be promoted to a higher rank. Your user name should be one that is related to your rank.

Private.................Pvt......................Starting rank
Private 2...............Pv2
Private first class.....Pfc
Staff Sergeant.........Ssg
Sergeant 1st class.....Sfc
Master Sergeant.......Msg
1st Sergeant...........1sg
Sergeant Major........Sgm
Command Sgt. major..Csm
Sgt. Major of the Army...Sma
Warrant Officer........Wo1
Chief Wo. 2............Cw2
Chief Wo. 3............Cw3
Chief Wo. 4............Cw4
Chief Wo. 5............Cw5
Second Lieutenant.....2Lt
First Lieutenant........1LT.............Can promote people if approved by division leader. Division leaders apprentice.
Captain.................Cpt..............Current rank of division leader.
Lt. Colonel.............Ltc
Brigadier General.....Bg...............1 star
Major General.........Mg..............2 stars
Lt. General............Ltg.............3 stars
General................Gen.............4 stars
General of the Army....GA............5 stars. currently held by Lance.

To apply for LA, please leave a reply with your user name and why you want to be inlisted. The division leader is responsible for fairly and wholly reviewing the application.
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:47 am
Location: The moon, hanging out with Alchestbreach

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