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Something to force players into teamwork

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Something to force players into teamwork

Postby Naneo » Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:42 pm

We need something to force those big-headed people into teamwork. If they do everything it isn't really fun. When i go into most games no one tries to work together. No one talks.Its kinda boring when everyone is solo. Do we have something that forces people into teamwork.

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Re: Something to force players into teamwork

Postby Fluttershy » Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:07 pm

And what do you suggest we do to "force teamwork"?
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Re: Something to force players into teamwork

Postby Garamond » Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:24 pm

There needs to be a pragmatic idea, not just "We need to have more teamwork." Elaborate.
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Re: Something to force players into teamwork

Postby Monsteri » Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:52 pm

The first thing to do is to remove autoclimb.
At least on 1:1 gradients in a row.

Then it'd be good to nerf guns versus blocks.
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Re: Something to force players into teamwork

Postby Yakkers » Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:03 pm

Monsteri wrote:The first thing to do is to remove autoclimb.
At least on 1:1 gradients in a row.

What the hell does that have to do with teamwork?
Even then, autoclimb has no effect on gameplay. All it's doing is saving our thumbs and space bars.
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Re: Something to force players into teamwork

Postby Monsteri » Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:17 pm

Yakkers wrote:
Monsteri wrote:The first thing to do is to remove autoclimb.
At least on 1:1 gradients in a row.

What the hell does that have to do with teamwork?
Even then, autoclimb has no effect on gameplay. All it's doing is saving our thumbs and space bars.

It's nighttime and I'm tired, so I will again copypaste from other forums:

What destroyed the atmosphere and strategy in this game was the autoclimb.
Otherwise it hasn't changed very much.

This image is a bit exaggerated, especially on custom maps, but sure is right.
AoS before autoclimb, AoS after autoclimb.

Honestly, smashing space button was annoying at times, but the autoclimb is just too fast. And not to mention it usually blows your cover, when you accidentally walk a block up. You don't either need to plan your manuevers very much, you just have to run & gun. Everyone lone-wolfs because they need no team, and it is so fast to run across a map that death isn't even any penalty.
Green forts used to be glorious massacre lines - lasting for hours, without blues ever seeing them falling down. People built bridges and tunnels for faster transport, and this became TC mode in itself - they offered the other team so much advantage, that usually all the enemy team forces were used just to bring them down - and this led to forts near the transport systems, oh, it didn't happen every time, but when it did, it was AMUSING.
Now it never happens.
Now there is no need for bridges. No need for tunnels. No need for great Green forts. All because of autoclimb. (and slightly because of the sucky community too).

You don't need bridges, it is easy and fast to move from A to B without any flat route.
You don't need tunnels, no need for intel capture, no need to be in cover from Green fortifications, no need for faster transport.
You don't need big forts, reaching mountains is fast, you need no extra cover.
You don't need to do anything other than running and gunning, even in genmaps.
You don't even need a team around you, it is usually a 1vs1 situation because there are no green forts.

4/5 of this only because of a very little feature, called autoclimb. And yeah, 1/5 the internet kids.
Server hosters play a quite big role in it too, tho, almost all hosting shitty maps.

For the people that were angry about their thumb-medicine bill, duh, they could have just held their space down instead of hitting it.
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Re: Something to force players into teamwork

Postby Beret » Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:35 am

He's right, you know. Autoclimb nerfed cover and aiming, while making fast travel much easier (seriously why is it faster to climb than to go downhill??)

As a result, tactics and the need to actually build defenses has mostly gone right out the window.

And can we PLEASE get rid of the goddamn intel icon staying visible on you when you're carrying it? I can't think of a single measure that could do better to completely destroy the stealth element of the game.
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Re: Something to force players into teamwork

Postby Fluttershy » Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:38 am

Beret wrote:And can we PLEASE get rid of the goddamn intel icon staying visible on you when you're carrying it? I can't think of a single measure that could do better to completely destroy the stealth element of the game.

I think everyone can agree intel is broken right now...Theres no reward for capping it (the enemies showing up on the map) anymore, and then theres what you listed. Unless, he did this with the intent of making it even less worthwhile of going for intel, in which case, why?
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Re: Something to force players into teamwork

Postby Monsteri » Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:01 am

And yep, there's no meaning in capturing the intel anymore.

Aside from showing the enemy locations in the map, it should give the whole team who won (by capturing all the intels) 5 mortar shots to each (which won't disappear after death), which they could shoot by clicking some area of the map with the radio tool they'd get. And just to clarify: These shots would be availiable to use only after the round's been won.

And maybe they shouldn't be able to shoot near CP's or other players, to decrease the risk of griefing.

But I think giving those mortar shots to everyone is important, as if only the intel cappers would get mortars the rest of the team would be jelly and would want others to die so they can cap the intel themselves.

I want the other team to BE ANGRY about losing their intel and their game, but there has never been much reason to it.

Beret said:
And can we PLEASE get rid of the goddamn intel icon staying visible on you when you're carrying it? I can't think of a single measure that could do better to completely destroy the stealth element of the game.

Oh and +1.
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Re: Something to force players into teamwork

Postby Naneo » Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:48 am

Monsteri , that seems a little .... OP don't you think? Maybe they could have something else?
Start with 200 blocks?
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Re: Something to force players into teamwork

Postby Monsteri » Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:28 pm

Maybe it would be a little, especially in those dump small maps, the idea is just to have some sort of a buff to the winning team.
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Re: Something to force players into teamwork

Postby rambo » Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:42 pm

Lots of people here dont speak english so not much wecan do. In those jest servers you automaticly fall in a squad thats all we can do. I feell you man i hate saying im near the intel join squad one snd noone joins and you die or get rad kills. Mqybe an in game translator so we can understand what these polish kids are saying.
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Re: Something to force players into teamwork

Postby SIMOX » Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:56 pm

Cancer that autoclimb is. Should get rid of it once and for all. Why ppl even need it anyways if they play on those flat island full of water maps ("best map ever bla bla..." - random guy). Seriously i see tons of flat maps nowadays. Give it back so ppl who want to play on Generated maps could get some real experience.

Making the game fast paced like some ppl keep suggesting will only destroy team-work.
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Re: Something to force players into teamwork

Postby Garamond » Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:20 pm

Ehh, I'm not with you there as far as autoclimb goes. I'm an engineer, and honestly, despite what you may think, roads and trenches are still crucial to an advance, at least on servers without the squad function. I find that allies will naturally follow roads, so engi's can direct their team to where they need to go. Nowadays teamwork isn't so much 'mutual cooperation' as it is a game of Lemmings. Build roads, put defensive structures along the roads, build trenches as deterrants and such, and you get the same effect.

EDIT:: Following those lines, roads aren't transportation expedients anymore, they're guides for your team. e.g. If you need your team to flank, split the road into a fork and guide it to the edges of the map. They'll follow it if you make the road big enough.
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Re: Something to force players into teamwork

Postby Tigershield » Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:53 am

Auto-climb destroyed the AOS feeling completly.I miss the fortifications.(yeah they are there sometimes,but not used) cause building trenches, bunkers,towers,tunnels Is just waste of time. In the old days when you secured a hilltop it was rewarding and you wanted to hold that hilltop as long as you can,so you builded bunkers,connected to each other.

RIP the old days.
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