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Votekick system improvements (against griefers)

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Votekick system improvements (against griefers)

Postby ThePalmTreeMagician » Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:40 am

I've noticed that votekicks generally are used against two types of people - griefers and aimbots. I've encountered more griefers than aimbots though, and getting them kicked can be insanely difficult, because people are used to ignoring votekicks, because they rarely work, because people are used to ignoring votekicks, etc. etc. etc.

It may be too late to break this cyclic behaviour, but the voting system can be improved to work with fewer votes.

I'd like to propose a system where votes against team members have twice (or 1.5x, or however balances best) the value. This means that a votekick can succeed against a griefer, even if members from the opposing team do not vote.

Please note that this system would work better against griefers, but wouldn't effect the chance of successfully kicking an aimbotter.
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Re: Votekick system improvements (against griefers)

Postby ugotpiez » Thu Sep 27, 2012 5:23 am

So basically, if you're on the same team that the person being VK'd is on, your vote gets a higher worth? Then no. You can simply lower the amount of votes needed for the everyone.

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Re: Votekick system improvements (against griefers)

Postby ThePalmTreeMagician » Thu Sep 27, 2012 5:41 am

Come to think of it, that's probably a better method.
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Re: Votekick system improvements (against griefers)

Postby Socrates » Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:58 pm

Its true the votekicking system needs to be improved. However I'm not quite sure if this would be the right way to do it. Don't get me wrong though this could possibly work! Also the votekicking system is constantly abused. Constantly. Some annoying people out there votekick anybody who annoys them even slightly. Its like they think they own the game and we must all bow down to them or get kicked. The only reason they get away with doing this is because most people (the ones that vote anyways) just type "/y" whenever they see a votekick. Regardless of the reason.

So I think they should also make a way to prevent the votekick system from being abused such as this. I'm not quite sure how to accomplish this either though.
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Re: Votekick system improvements (against griefers)

Postby Fluttershy » Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:02 pm

ugotpiez wrote:So basically, if you're on the same team that the person being VK'd is on, your vote gets a higher worth? Then no. You can simply lower the amount of votes needed for the everyone.

mmm maybe, but lowering it overall makes it easier to abuse via kicking the other teams juggernaut/best player. Votes against your own team mate often mean that they really are doing something undesirable and warrants being kicked, which is why weighted votes may be the best idea out of the two options.

Socrates wrote:So I think they should also make a way to prevent the votekick system from being abused such as this. I'm not quite sure how to accomplish this either though.

There isnt a way, or else it wouldve been implemented already.
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Re: Votekick system improvements (against griefers)

Postby ThePalmTreeMagician » Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:03 am

I just remembered that, and I think it was King Arthur's Gold that employed this, one system in that you open the list of players and each player has a check box next to their name. If enough people flag the player, they get kicked. This would stop the compulsive /y votes. Less people would be required to kick a player though, because voters would consist more of people who had seen the griefing / been killed by the aimbot (which is a smaller sample size).

In another note, one of the issues with the votekick system is that builders don't try to kick aimbots, and fighters often don't votekick griefers if they're in a hard spot, or don't see the griefing. The ratio of builders to fighters is different on each server, and changes over time, so regardless of the votekick system, it will always be broken when the ratio is off.
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