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Friend List and Ignore button

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Friend List and Ignore button

Postby GeneralAssball » Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:45 pm

I think the game should have a friend list. It will allow you to add people on to your friend list which will let you know if they are online/offline and in what server they are in. If they are online there could be yellow dot beside there name. If they are offline the dot will be blue. Or it could just simply say online/offline beside there names.

-How to add people on to your friend list
When you click "tab" it shows you the players and their names on the green and blue teams. To add them to your friend list you click the name of the person that you wish to add.

-About the friend list
In order to see who is online or offline in your friend list, you must click the "f" key, and then a list with your friends will come out.
There will also be a delete option which will allow you to delete your friend(s)

I believe a handy thing on the game would be the "Ignore button". (I'm really not sure if the game has one already, i'm new. If the game does have one, I apologize) The ignore button will allow you to ignore people that you find annoying.

-How to ignore people
You can ignore the person by typing in /ignore name

-General Assball
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:28 pm

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