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New Ace of Spades Forums:

< Animus IRC >

We are Animus, a clan composed mainly of frenchies, but also of European player (German, Italian, ...).We are an experienced clan, which has play on AoS since a long time. We are friendly, respectuful, and try to improve
our game, with matchs, and lots of events. We have lot of experiences in matches.

< Animus IRC >

Postby Silnius » Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:26 pm

Hi there,

Animus have an irc :

So the channel is #AnimusClan if you are already on #aos or other irc.

You are allowed to come here to talk with members, about the clan, or if you have some problems.
But you need to respect basic rules.

Moreover, if you really need to join us, for any problem, you can send me a pm, or at Kiwaka, or ExiTeD.
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[Animus] Leader
Posts: 210
Joined: Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:57 pm
Location: France

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