Hey guys,
Here's a place to post your game reviews. PC games only. Please do so in the following format.
Title: (Title of Game)
Gameplay: (The game's play style, controls, any major bugs/ glitches and fun in general)(1-30)
Multiplayer Gameplay: (The game's online multiplayer if it has any. If the game does not have multiplayer, Visuals and Sound are now 1-30)(1-20)
Visuals: (How appealing the game is to look at, how well made the animations are, how the art style matches the gameplay, anything you can tangibly see. Not how "realistic" or "HD" the graphics are.)(1-20)
Sound: (How good the music and sound affects are)(1-20)
Difficulty: (High or Low Difficulty should be scored low unless the game was meant to be easy or difficult)(1-10)
Overall Rating: (Final thoughts/ summary of your opinion and total points out of 100.)
Please be a little more insightful than "Minecraft sux bc the graphics".
Also, use THIS as a guide for your ratings.
We look forward to seeing some great and amusing reviews. We have a hugely diverse player base that play a whole variety of different games. We'd like to know what you think of them.
- Daniella and Defaulter
Games Reviewed
Ace of Spades - Average Score: 58.33(Mediocre)
Lone Surviver - Average Score: 84(Great)
Live For Speed - Average Score: 69.5(Okay)
Touhou 6 - Average Score: 95(Excellent)
Deadly 30 - Average Score: 80(Great)
Fallout 2 - Average Score: 86(Great)
Roblox - Average Score: 37(Awful)
Arx Fatalis - Average Score: 87(Great)
Vindictus - Average score: 88(Great)
No More Room In Hell - Average score: 82(Great)