Does anyone know why almost every single downloadable-content that comes out for MW3 is completely bs? I mean, spec ops missions? Really? Beat them once on Veteran, and you'll never want to play 'em again. Let's talk about the maps.
Piazza: It's okay, but no real structure. Looks like Infinity Ward just mashed together a bunch of textures they had, and changed the background to make it look like Italy.
Liberation: DUCK THIS SHIT
Overwatch: By far the best map. No real camping spots, and it stays true to the formula that made the CoD franchise successful.
Sanctuary: Boring, and I realized that it looks exactly like Castle from CoD 5. Reduce, reuse and recycle, right Infinity Ward?
Foundation: Boring colour palate, a lot of camping spots, and stupid trickshotters who can't get a hitmarker to save their lives jumping off platforms.
Here's what happened at the developer's office while they were thinking about map ideas: "Hmm, the community loved close-quarters maps like Nuketown, Firing Range and Rust, so therefore we must make ones that are huge and cater to noobs like the rest of what we do."