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New Ace of Spades Forums:

Official Lounge Rules

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Official Lounge Rules

Postby USABxBOOYO » Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:54 pm

The following rules and regulations have been approved by the administrative team.

The following rules are clarifications of what you can and cannot post in the Lounge forum:

  • You may not post a topic that has no purpose and cannot be discussed.
  • You may not post a topic that only serves to promote yourself or another person in The Lounge. Topics to promote yourself can be made in Introductions/Farewells.
  • You may not post troll threads or threads that are deliberately made to start a flame war or some kind of conflict.
  • Posts made must be pertinent to the thread. Just because this is the Off-Topic section does not mean you can post content that is off-topic to a thread.
  • Introductions should be an accurate description of yourself.
  • You must follow the rules of forum games while posting in a forum game thread.
  • If you wish to link to a YouTube channel/outside site, you may only do so when you create a topic for it or it is relevant or helpful to the thread you are linking it in. You can also promote your site or YouTube channel in your introduction.
  • You may not promote or advertise your clan here.

Failure to follow these rules can and will lead to administrative action such as board warnings, thread deletion or closure, and bans for repeated offenses.
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